Dublin Airport

The Ask

Dublin Airport pod was the first project we were approached to collaborate on. A pod over two parking spaces with a reduced ceiling height of 2.3m, installation within the ground floor of a multi-storey car park.

The Solution

The Pod was constructed in the UK as one building, and the intent was to deliver to Dublin, Hiab off outside the car park and drive (very slowly and carefully) to offload in position. With the advent of both Brexit and also the impact of the global pandemic, our client requested that we flat pack this building and ship it to a storage facility at Dublin airport, and once restrictions had been lifted – install the cabin. This pod was delivered to Dublin Airport in January 2021 and stayed tucked up until January 2022, when we were finally able to complete a double install of this cabin AND the Tallaght cabin simultaneously.

The Extra Challenges

The access journey from storage to the MSCP with barriers, height restrictions, obstacles on the ceiling and tight turning circles to navigate. The cabin was in sections on a low loader trailer. The airport was open, and the car rental car park was fully active, so our activity was limited to out of hours. There was no roof to this cabin as we had to use every possible millimetre to create as much head room internally as possible. The ceiling was scribed into the MSCP roof, insulated and the entire building had fire resistant encapsulation. Install took 4 days.

The Reward

Although this pod had a tough start in life, the finished building looks great - like it’s always been there.


Tallaght Pod