No longer a simple equation.

The days of buying modular buildings based on a simple equation of size multiplied by square footage cost are coming to an end.  Businesses know that their own customers’ experiences are defined by the things they see.  Companies will happily invest in training employees, ensuring they represent the company and its values.  And increasingly, they are beginning to recognise the environment in which they operate has an impact too.

Our approach starts with you.  Only by fully understanding your business and your brief, can we begin to explore what’s right.  But it’s never done in isolation.  Through collaborative teamwork, transparency and building strong relationships based on trust, together we work to develop the solution that’s right for your business.  And not just perfect for today’s needs, but scalable for the future too.


Collaboration at the core

 Like all great creative projects, define the brief.

Understanding the specifics of what a company or organisation is looking to achieve is critical to delivering the best solution.  To do this, our team will invest time learning your business, your culture and your values, to better understand the challenges that need to be resolved.

 We want to understand what you need beyond the basics.   What does the space need to deliver? How do you want people to feel?  How does it fit with other areas of your location?  What brand identity elements are needed?  What about scalability? Portability?  These are questions that we’re not afraid to ask.  We may be the experts in architectural design and modular construction, but understanding how the space fits with your wider business plans helps us develop a brief that will elevate your solution.


The concept

With a thorough understanding of your challenge and your brand, we start to evaluate the best concepts. But unlike other modular companies, our creative process remains fluid.  Our initial recommendations are just that.  Taking into account your specific needs, we’ll deliver a set of architectural designs that genuinely match your objectives and can deliver against your main priorities.

 The concept doesn’t end with the drawings.  With modular construction evolving at a rapid pace, we’ll work with you to introduce the best construction materials and systems, ensuring your solution is not only fit for purpose now, but is utilising the best and latest materials for the project, maximising impact and presence, and minimising costs.

 But often, as projects evolve, so can client needs.  Working in a true partnership, our aim is to remain flexible and transparent as we progress.  If things change, we’ll work with you to adapt the concepts, giving you confidence that the solution can change with your needs.


The construction

Working in partnership with our own construction teams, or with your own preferred groundworks team, our combined vision begins to take shape.  Your modular solution begins life in our UK-based, advanced construction studio, where we machine and construct all the component parts.  From there, we can either build the entire unit and transport to your location, or deliver the modular parts, ready for us to complete the build on site. 


Either way, you can be assured of our best-in-class construction process, designed to maximise build quality and ensuring environmental controls are applied throughout the process.